The best way to relax yourself in high anxiety is not to think about problems of life in a serious manner. I have this firm believe now that when ever your blood pressure is rising on any matter, just keep quite and move away from that scene. Give yourself and your circumstances a break, get out of the sad state of dilemmas, take fresh air in and polluted air out.
Sometimes the more you run after life to make it better, the more it runs away from you making itself worst and in turn making you feel the extereme form of worst. Yes, indeed its for your best interest to let go of things at a time like this and leave it to your faith to make it better.
There is no doubt that you have to make efforts in the little play field bestowed upon us by our creator in order to win the game of existence but there are boundaries of efforts beyond which even if you try, the results won't get any better.
I won't get this second again and you won't get this second again either so why are we wasting it thinking about the problems. Why not think about ourselves, yes I mean ourselves because if we really care about out souls, we should think about making ourselves happy. Happiness is the blood for soul, the more you would take it away from your soul, the more your soul will get near to its death. So do you want to kill yourself?!! the decision is yours and yours only ...
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