Sometimes in life you just want to fly away .... away from everything... the ryhthm .. the noise... the talks.... even away from life ... like a bird a free bird... its weird... the mere thought of independence in its full form gives you both ..pleasure and discomfort ... its this life that make you alive... and sometimes its this life which makes you dead.. ok so enough with the vicious circle of life and life but really it feels so weird at times.
I remember the heroine from the movie 'forest gump'. She always wanted to fly out, at all pushing times of her 'life', fly freely like a bird, but have we ever thought why do we want to do the flying and why we actually don't?
Maybe its the fear of the unknown that stops our feet from crossing that thin line between the familiar world and the unfamiliar world or maybe (which I think is more plausible), its the song "can't live with this world and without this world".
I know it sounds kind of all mixed up but it is actually the connections you form with the very familiar 'at times really weird' world that keeps you from flapping your wings to go some where else. Connections ..ummm .. real important word .. makes me just ponder ...because they are also the reason due to which we want to flap our wings in the first place ... wickedddddd.. ain't it??!
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