
I feel that expressing is one of the most important kind of action verbs in one's life. If you can't show it via any way, it might not even be there. You may choose to differ in opinion from mine but thats what I personally think.

I just want to pen down emotions that run deep down my soul. You can read them and preferably comment on them ...

So ... here is it, my blog 'Say that' ...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Whiny Me

Its friday, a blessed day as is said in my religion but I don't feel very good today and the bad part is that I know the reason behind it! It is definitely better if you have no clue about things rather than knowing them and not doing anything about them. Probably that is why they say 'Ignorance is a bliss'. Sigh! I know in my heart that I have to do a lot of things to make other things right but I am not doing them. I need the medicine of 'pushing', some thing or some one to just push me into the realm of  'doing things' where I would do what I should be doing without any further delays. Do you know where I can get that medicine?

Anyways I was just thinking few moments back about a negative issue which happened and some how my mind by itself give me an example of a more negative issue which didn't happen. I, who was whining about the happening of former issue started thanking God about the unhappening of the latter one. Funny right? I mean if we actually start acting on that saying 'Count your blessings, not your woes', we can easily rid our over burdened brain from one of the many problematic thoughts it faces and move forward a little more happier but that is if and only if we start acting on the above given saying which is definitely not so easy!

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